Jura novit curia - "The court knows the law." Concept that parties to a case do not need to define how the law applies to their case. The court is solely responsible for determining what laws apply.⏎
Leges humanae nascuntur, vivunt, moriuntur - "The laws of man are born, live, and die." Illustrates that laws are made, are in force for a period, and then become obsolete.⏎
Nemo judex in sua causa - "No one shall be a judge in his own case." Prevents conflict of interest in courts. Often invoked when there is really no conflict, but when there is even the appearance of one.⏎
Nemo auditur propriam turpitudinem allegans - "No one can be heard, who invokes his own guilt." Nobody can bring a case that stems from their own illegal act.⏎
Lex retro non agit - "The law does not operate retroactively." A law cannot make something illegal that was legal at the time it was performed. See ex post facto law.⏎