Iura novit curia - The judge knows the law (technically, there is no need to "explain the law" or the legal system to a judge/justice in any given petition).⏎
Expressio unius est exclusio alterius - "The express mention of one thing excludes all others." When items are listed, anything not explicitly stated is assumed to not be included.⏎
Inter arma enim silent leges - "For among arms, the laws fall silent." A concept that during war, many illegal activities occur. Also taken to mean that in times of war, laws are suppressed, ostensibly for the good of the country.⏎
In claris non fit interpretatio - When a rule is clearly intelligible, there is no need of proposing a (usually extensive) interpretation.⏎
Generalia specialibus non derogant - "The general does not detract from the specific." Specifies that a certain matter of law be covered by the most specific laws pertaining, in the event that broader laws conflict with the specific one.⏎