Meningeal Infection - An infection of the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, known collectively as the meninges.⏎
Intravenous - The use of veins through which medications and solutions are administered.⏎
Microbe - Sometimes referred to as a microorganism, a microbe is an organism that is microscopic and thus invisible to the naked eye. ⏎
Metabolism - The sum total of chemical reactions that occur within a living cell both to build new molecules within the cell and break down and assimilate sources of energy for the cell.⏎
Host - An organism that harbors a parasite or another organism where there is a symbiotic relationship between the two organisms. In some cases, the relationship is commensal, or mutually beneficial, but in the case of a parasite and host, the host may be hurt by the parasite's presence.⏎